Alberto Lerdo

Web Developer

UX | UI Designer

Animated LED Shirt

I was hired by Paranafilms to help create a prop for a commercial in which the lead actress would have a shirt that displayed live subtitles.


Arduino Mega 2560 R3

3x Flexible 8x32 NeoPixel RGB LED Matrix

2x XBee Module - Series 1 - 1mW with Wire Antenna - XB24-AWI-001


The 3 Flexible LED panels are daisy chained together to create a 24x32 LED Pannel, Although, if I had to do this project again, I would use the 64x32 Flexible RGB LED Matrix - 5mm Pitch, which I don’t recall being available when I first started the project.


Combines the Arduino Mega, LED panels, and an XBee to receive the signal from the operator.


Uses the other XBee and the Xbee breakout to communicate to the wearable device.


This video demonstrates how quickly the display updates with text, as soon as the Enter key is pressed